PLANAGEO – National Geology Plan
Geosource has free access to acquire the PLANAGEO (National Geology Plan) that already brings Angola´s information to the surface, it may, after oil and diamonds, also be a worldwide “Player” in the extraction of the copper and of ornamental rocks, with the possibility of extracting the famous and rare colt. Another potential is the extension to Angola of the so-called (copper belt), one of the most important copper deposits in the world, where Angola has all the conditions to be a giant in its production and commercialization. Angola with PLANAGEO announced an extension of several ores, where it stands out, for example cobalt, an ore that is beginning to be rare worldwide and that in Angola can become a universal reference, as well as in others ores.
Geosource has in it genes the identification of concession areas for the realization of large projects directed to various types of ores present in the Angola subsoil, from diamonds, noble metals such as ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, osmium, iridium, platinum, gold, iron, copper and others. The company has been focused on the following three projects:

The Cuilo project is located between the province of Lunda North and Lunda South, in the Municipality of Lubalo, about 120 km southwest of the city of Saurimo, with an extension of approximately 1.120 square kilometres. The national highway 230, which connects Luanda to the city of Saurimo.

The Chivundo concession is located near the Dundo, next to the border with the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo). This concession, although smaller than Cuilo, is heavily equipped with kimberlites for primary exploration, being a completely virgin area being one of the few areas in Angola without any human intervention or illegal mining.

Through MIREMPET (Ministry of Mineral Resources and Petroleum), Geosource promotes some areas for the exploration of ores such as iron, cooper, manganese, noble metals and others, with in order with the aim of identifying strategic partnerships for large scale mining projects, with in order to leverage the mining sector and reduce dependence on oil and diamond exploration traditionally rooted in Angola. Thus with its know-how, it intends to contribute to the diversification and development of Angola economy.
Promotes some areas for the exploration of ores
Different Exploitation Areas
The cooper and cobalt region of Zambia and Democratic Republic of Congo, extends to Angolan territory in at least 116 thousands square kilometers, according to the geophysical survey carried out under the National Plan of Geology (Planageo).
Planageo made it possible to discover the Cunene ornamental stone complex with an area of 45 thousand square kilometers, which covers the provinces of Huíla and Cunene and which extends to the territory of Namibia. The magnetic anomalies detected by Planageo show favourable signs of prospecting for metallic and non-metallic minerals such as iron, diamonds, copper, manganese, titanium, zinc, lead, bauxite, as also radioactive minerals and phosphates.
Among the ongoing projects, in addition to ornamental rocks, which has been a fact for years, gold production has started, “although on a small scale”, there are several others projects prospecting for gold, copper, rare earth, cobalt, lithium, manganese, among others ores in Angola.